Tecnología Educativa

Tecnología Educativa

miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

Integrating Technology into the Classroom - Mr. Joe Gaston's Visit

    Today, we had the honor of having Mr. Joe Gaston come to our classroom and explain to us different ways in which technology can be used in education to make learning much more fun and significant for students.

    We learned about inertia by doing a fun science experiment that consisted in getting an egg inside a jar using a broom (Check out the videos below!). He told us to video tape the experiment and then make a video explaining the concept of inertia and how it applies to the experiment we did. This was an example of how Mr. Gaston integrates technology into his science classroom. Having students record videos of experiments they do allows them to re-watch them over and over again, so that they can understand better or review what they learned later on.

    Mr. Gaston also showed us a video of how math teachers in his school use different technologies, such as Smart Boards, computer games, youtube videos, and calculator apps to teach students math concepts. He also explained to us how students can use videos to share their cultural traditions with others--we watched a video of one student explaining the holiday of Thanksgiving. Finally, Mr. Gaston explained to us the concept of "flipping" the classroom. This can be done by having students watch video lessons at home and then come to class ready to work, having the teacher there as a support to answer questions and doubts.

    This experience with Mr. Gaston really opened my eyes because it allowed me to see different ways in which technology can be integrated into the classroom. I learned that watching and making videos is really beneficial for students because it not only motivates them, but it makes learning easier and more significant. For example, in math class, students can watch youtube videos to learn different procedures for solving math problems. In science class, they can record videos of themselves doing experiments and then explain them. I also learned that Drop Box is a great tool that teachers can use to share and/or receive files from students. Finally, I learned that nowadays, using technology in education is a must! Not only does it facilitate the learning process for student, but it also makes class time fun, motivating students to want to learn more.

    In conclusion, I really enjoyed Mr. Gaston's visit and I am so thankful that he was able to share his knowledge with us. There is no doubt that he is an excellent teacher who knows how to incorporate technology into the classroom, making learning more fun and significant for his students. Now that I have learned different ways to integrate technology into the classroom, as well as its benefits for students, I will definitely incorporate it into my future teaching. 

Videos of Science Experiment:

Photos in class with Mr. Gaston:

1 comentario:

  1. Vivi,
    Thank you for the kind words. I am so glad you enjoyed the session. I am excited to hear that you are inspired to use technology in your future classroom. It was an honor to work with you and your classmates. Take care. -Joe
